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Weekend Workshop with Gillian Laub: Visual Storytelling & Documentary Photographic Projects

  • The Center of Photography at Woodstock 59 Tinker Street Woodstock, NY, 12498 United States (map)

Join Gillian Laub on October 24-25 in a workshop on Visual Storytelling & Documentary Photographic Projects. Documentary photographers, artists, and photojournalists find extraordinary and unique new ways to tell the stories they are passionate to share.  This intensive two-day workshop will allow you to share your work with peers in an intimate environment, and learn more about how others create personal documentary projects for publication, books, exhibitions and websites. Photography crosses all boundaries and venues, and with the field changing ever so quickly there has never been a greater need for the documentary photographer to be able to put a distinct and personal stamp on their work. Emphasis in this workshop will be in developing a unique personal vision about a subject you are passionate about, and subsequently how to disseminate the work effectively.

Please bring: Favorite camera and memory cards, a portfolio of 20-25 prints and/or a multimedia project (the work can be in progress).

Class limit: 15
Tuition: $340 / CPW members $310

Public LectureVisual Storytelling and Documentary Photographic Projects, Friday, October 23, 7:30 PM

Dates: Sat-Sun, October 24-25, 9:30AM - 5:00PM

Start Time: 9:30 am
End Time: 5:00 pm

Start Date: October 24, 2015 
End Date: October 25, 2015